Battle of the Graphs

Battle of the Graphs
The top graph is the one the IPCC and Al Gore uses, the bottom contains the actual temperatures recorded from the past 1000 years

CO2 is not the enemy in North Carolina!

If we do not de-rail the man made global warming locomotive that North Carolina legislators have put into motion, $4 a gallon gasoline is only the tip of the iceburg! Join me and let's end this hoax in North Carolina.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

NASA's Dr. David Hathaway cannot provide any clear scientific evidence that green house gases are driving climate change.

This is a brief conversation with NASA's David Hathaway. As you will see, NC C02 Debate gave him an opportunity to direct us to ANY clear evidence that green house gases are actually driving climate change and he could not provide an answer. Interestingly, he did indicate that the Sun does affect climate change. Here is NC CO2 Debate's
initial email to Dr. Hathaway:

Dr Hathaway,

I am NOT a scientist. However I am a tax paying citizen of North Carolina who plainly sees that the only "consensus" on man-made climate change is the one that is contained within the media pundits. Your group is the expert when it comes to our Sun. In May of 2006 you wrote:

"The slowdown we see now means that Solar Cycle 25, peaking around the year 2022, could be one of the weakest in centuries." Dr David Hathaway, NASA Web Release, May 2006."

The Director of The Space and Science Research Center, John Casey, has drawn the following conclusion from your research, in regards to how the Sun's cycle will affect our planet's climate:

"We today confirm the recent announcement by NASA that there are historic and important changes taking place on the sun's surface. They will have only one outcome – a new climate change is coming that will bring an extended period of deep cold to the planet."

Would you care to comment, for the record, on Mr. Casey's conclusions?

Dr Hathaway's initial response:

"His conclusion is based on the hypothesis that solar variability (the sunspot cycle) is the controlling factor in climate change. While there is evidence that solar variability does affect climate to some degree, it also appears that other factors – volcanoes, El Nino/La Nina, and greenhouse gases play more significant roles."

NCC02debate's follow up question (that Hathaway never responded to):

When you state that GHG's play a more significant role in global warming is your opinion informed from the IPCC data? So far every time I am able to get to the heart of all the newly formed government agencies in North Carolina to deal with the imminent doom of GW, they always end up pointing back to the fatally flawed computer models of the IPCC. Meantime, the American Northwest had its 2nd coolest Spring since 1894, Sydney Australia had its coolest Summer in 50 years, South Africa had its coldest day in September in recorded history with record snowfalls, and your agencies data suggests the ice cap has increased by 30%. I see a global trend here, but it is not looking very warm. Can you point me to any hard scientific evidence, published in a peer reviewed journal that links rising amounts of GHG's with anything more that a slight increase in global temperature?

But don't think that will stop the state from taxing us, and our businesses, for this newest pollutant. Write your legislators and ask them why they are spending our tax dollars to control c02 when there has been NO public debate of the issue?

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